A person holds up an "I Voted" sticker, along with their ballot.


Pulse在8月份收集了2000多名科罗拉多人的代表性样本的观点. 冠状病毒和住房是选民们最关心的问题之一.

自选举日以来,大多数头条新闻都集中在总统候选人身上, Colorado voters made impactful decisions on health-related ballot issues, including ones addressing subjects examined in Pulse: The Colorado Health Foundation Poll.


  • 40%的科罗拉多人表示,很难承担照顾孩子的责任, including majorities of renters, adults ages 30-39, and households making $30,000 - $50,000.
  • 12%的科罗拉多人在照顾年迈或残疾的家庭成员方面遇到了困难.

科罗拉多州成为第一个选民批准全州范围内的投票措施,授权工人带薪家庭和医疗假的州. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, 我们中的许多人都不得不从工作中抽出时间来照顾孩子或生病的家人——选民在完成投票时可能已经考虑到了这一现实.

第118号提案要求雇主为分娩和严重的个人和家庭医疗状况提供长达12周的带薪休假. It was approved with 58% of the vote. 该计划将在2023年通过向工人和雇主收取保费来提供资金,并从2024年开始提供福利.

该法案通过之时,越来越多的女性正在离开职场,这被称为“性别失衡” she-cession during the COVID-19 pandemic,” reported Marketplace in a piece entitled 为什么科罗拉多州在COVID期间通过带薪家庭假更重要. Marketplace指出,女性在家庭中承担着抚养孩子的不成比例的责任,four times more women than men left the workforce as the school year started up.”

As we move towards a recovery, 带薪家庭和医疗假可能为需要照顾亲人的科罗拉多人提供额外的选择.

科罗拉多州的选民也有机会通过全州和地方的投票措施来衡量经济适用房. 在大流行之前,经济适用房在科罗拉多州是一个日益严峻的挑战, but the economic turmoil has exacerbated the problem.

Even before the pandemic, across Colorado, there was an estimated 11,000人没有一个可以称之为家的地方,还有更多人的住房不稳定, many of them families with children.

The Pulse poll found:

  • 超过五分之一(22%)的科罗拉多州人担心明年会失去房子,因为他们付不起房租或抵押贷款, including more than half of Coloradans living on low incomes.
  • 超过60%的科罗拉多人认为住房成本和无家可归的问题是一个严重的问题,并希望州政府拨出额外的资金来解决这些挑战.

Voters approved more funds toward housing through Proposition EE, 这是一个全州范围内的投票问题,得到了科罗拉多州三分之二以上选民的支持. The proposition increases the state tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products and creates a new state tax on nicotine vaping products; part of the funds generated will support affordable housing.

虽然EE提案的主要焦点是为K-12教育和学前教育提供资金, new revenue in the first three years also will support loans to buy, 翻新和建造房屋,并提供租赁援助——所有这些都是为了增加经济适用房. 为低收入和可能被驱逐的客户提供法律援助的组织也得到了支持.


  • 博尔德市的选民通过了2B号法案,为面临驱逐的租户提供法律代理, as well as rental assistance to those vulnerable to eviction. It won with 58% of the vote.
  • 近三分之二的丹佛选民通过了法案2B,该法案将零.25% sales tax to fund services for people experiencing homelessness.

从科罗拉多的西坡到东部平原以及两者之间的任何地方, each community has its own set of unique strengths and resources. 投票问题为科罗拉多人提供了一种直接对政策问题发表意见的方式. 在关键的选举年,比如今年,了解科罗拉多人对这些问题的看法是很重要的, whether approved or not, 以及它们如何对我们社区的健康和福祉产生影响.

Please note: 该基金会被禁止从事直接游说活动,也不支持或反对任何州或地方的投票措施.


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